Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cheesy Stuff

Not appreciating either the taste or the melting properties of commercially available mozzarella (milky clay???), I began to research how to make my own.  After a tad of research, I was on my way.  I was off to All Seasons for some rennet and citric acid.  Now All Seasons is quite the place not only for cheese making supplies but for wine and beer making supplies and organic and hydroponic gardening.  Nice find, in my opinion.  Now finding the right kind of milk was next.  Raw (unpasteurized and not homogenized) is the best for cheese making but not readily available at least here in middle Tennessee.  I stumbled into the Turnip Truck in Nashville where they had Hatchers Family Dairy brand milk.  Their whole, 2% and skim milk is pasteurized (not ultra pasteurized) and is not homogenized.  Frankly, it was a welcome sight to see globs of cream stuck at the top of the container of whole milk that I bought.  If good quality local dairy milk, do not use organic milk or any other milk that is ultra pasteurized. Regular whole milk will work---organic or ultra-pasteurized will not.  Frankly, you will not get cheese----just hot acidic milk with some white globs floating around.

I then followed a simple recipe found on the net:  Heat one gallon of milk  in a stainless steel pot and add 1.5 tsp of citric acid dissolved in one cup of  filtered water. Heat until 89 degrees and add 1/4 tsp of liquid rennet dissolved in 1/4 cup filtered water. Stir for 1 minute and remove from heat.  The curd will begin forming and it will take about 5 minutes to fully form.  Slice the curd in 2 by 2 inch chunks and let it sit for another 5 minutes. With a slotted spoon  remove all the curd and begin draining the whey that still releases from the curd.   Simply heat the curd in the microwave for 1 minute.  Then with gloves on (trust me on this one) begin to knead for about a minute.  Put back in the microwave for 35 seconds, knead and repeat one more time.  Knead and stretch until the cheese becomes shiny and elastic.  Next, place the cheese in a bowl with dissolved salt and ice. Let stand for a couple of hours adding ice as necessary.  Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Absolutely wonderful and melts like mozzarella cheese should.  Easy and quick and tastes better than anything I have found locally available.  Now all I need to do is find a water buffalo nearby.

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