Saturday, November 7, 2009

And Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread....

Is it me or have we forgotten our history?  Our culture? Our sense of decorum? Why is it that at too many restaurants we need to ask for bread, then butter, a tapenade or olive oil.  When it arrives, it is not bread in the sense of a fresh, yeast driven pane of texture and flavor.  More often than not it involves either something more akin to Wonder Bread or related to shoe leather as the baker, today for some reason felt increasingly inspired to expand his baking horizons with the inclusion of Gorilla Glue, seeds of some sort, marbles and small stone-like ingredients as if we as humans needed a gastrolith. He then calls it "hearty."  Go to hell.  Expand your horizons with some acid like we did in the 70's.  What is wrong with flour, yeast, water, salt, sugar and some heat  (and steam) and make some bread that has a chewy crust---with semolina on the bottom----and a hot delicate texture chock full of oolitic-like voids of absolute yumminess. Keep your raisins, apples, granola, pears, bananas, nuts, fruits, candy, tree bark, bird feet, candied fruits, organic cow turds and anything else the hell out of my bread. If my bread baker wants "inspiration" they should go to church.  Make bread---- not dessert and don't give me the "its organic, you'll love it" BS.  Hell, nicotine is organic too and I'm quite certain it is a poor addition to food.

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